The DK16 Geo. Knight Heat Transfer Digital Clamshell Press 14" x 16" Is A Low Cost Solution
This mid-sized clamshell, the 14x16 DK16 opens for full access to the lower bottom table. This press is the lowest cost solution for a business grade heavy-duty Digital heat press machine. It is important to note that the back of the heat platen raises above and away from the bottom table, providing better access than other clamshell presses. This Geo Knight clamshell are now able to fully thread garments from the *Front OR Back*. The drop-on pull-pin attached tables are rotatable.
The DK16 can be easily upgraded to an automatic release press with the "Pop-Up" upgrade. This allows for faster semi-automatic garment production at a very reasonable price.
Watch Profits Roll In With The DK16 Geo. Knight Heat Transfer Digital Clamshell Press 14" x 16".
For a serious business tool and profit making machine, the Digital Knight line of presses are un-matchable in performance and cost. The Digital Knight line of presses combine a heavy-duty solid steel industrial grade pressing framework with accurate and easy to use electronics to provide the operator with the best possible features and equipment needed for today’s various heat transfer applications.
Weight: 106 Lbs
Electrical: 1500 Watts / 13 Amps (110V) / 7 Amps (220V)
Box Dimensions: 39”L x 20"W x 20”H
Heat Press Features:
- Fully digital temperature control
- Automatic digital timer
- Super-portable light machine weight
- Extreme high pressure capability
- Hardened high-strength pivot points
- Interchangeable tables
- Solid Steel framework
- SuperCoil-Microwinding™ heater technology
- Self lifting gas-spring, & wide opening
- Temperature readout accuracy -2°F.
- User selectable end-of-cycle alarms
- Records number of pressing cycles done
- Teflon-coated ¾” thick heat platen